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I’ve never taken a citizenship test because I was born here from people who were born here.
So no test for me, but I’ve always wondered if I could pass one.
As a history major in college I have high confidence for a passing grade.
If you do nothing but pay attention to current events, you’ll pass too.
But, if you’re spoon fed news without checking things out? You may go to the principal’s office.

As an older blogger on a mission, a baby boomer blogger, I understand the current confusion facing voters and citizens.
And, as a recent world traveler back from driving 900 miles on England’s fine roads, I have a solution.


Going to another country isn’t an open invite to rank on the differences, declare yourself the king, and leave with as much as you can pack up and carry.
Don’t do that.
It’s also not an open question to explain yourself using your family, town, or your high school football record.
More like a a special time to pipe down, listen, and learn, if you’re into that sort of thing; and why not?
I agree with Winston Churchill when he said a perfect evening is a delicious dinner with talk about food, and a great conversation afterwards with him as the main topic.
Sounds like blogger heaven?


Fixing Voter Registration

Everyone who flies commercial knows the routine:
Show up early, use your flight info and ID at a kiosk to get a tag for your bag.
Stand in line at the row of airline clerks checking bags and issuing boarding passes.
Be ready to show ID and passport if you plan to go overseas.
If your bag is not right, you’ll have to fix it, like too heavy.
The fix is lightening it up, or paying an extra weight fine.
Your boarding pass tells you which gate you’re flying from, your seat, and the time.
Before you fly out, you go through security where your carry-on is scanned, and you too.
Boarding pass, ID, scans, and now you go off to find the gate, get on the plane, and go.


About the voter ID:


Get your papers in order, get voter registration, and there you go, ready to vote.
What’s more difficult, getting on a plane, or voting?
For one it’s a driver’s license, a passport, and a boarding pass; for the other it’s a combo of documents if you don’t have the basics.
Either way feels like a citizenship test.
Or a test for basic adult competency, and who doesn’t want to appear competent?


The Competent Candidate

No one shows up on boomerpdx looking for insights, deals, or ‘a better way.’
People get hear by either signing up and joining, or by an online search.
In other words, I get blog traffic by accident, and I’m good with that.
Who hasn’t read a book by an unknown author and liked it enough to read books by authors who wrote blurbs for the book cover?
It’s a nice surprise I hope to share with wayward readers.
Instead of being a sensationalist like other successful bloggers, or buying advertisements and traffic from the dark web, I plug along doing what I do best, which is keeping an eye out for the important events.
Like voting.
The upcoming election pits a current president against a former president.
One is a life long student of government and federal power; the other is a real estate man turned game show host.
One of them took the subservient role of Vice President to one of the greats who navigated the nation out of the last economic screw up perpetrated by bad bank practices on people who couldn’t believe they were eligible for the kind of money they’d only dreamed up.
Then came the repayments, the reality, the home losses, the businesses failed.
The same people who took financial advice from Bush II are sucking up to Trump’s third run, his second ending in defeat, recrimination, and whining, more whining, endless whining.
A good citizenship test is coming up.
Either you’re good with a president who knows the job at hand and brings in good people to help, or your dream guy is the one who says only he can fix things, only he can run things, only he’s got the answers.
One guy goes on and on about how smart he is, but limited on how to express his smarts.
He brings people in who are required to tell him how smart he is, who do stupid shit, and who eventually report to jail.
To add more to the pile, Trump as a list of people he feels should go to jail instead.
Money people like Trump because he understands money and taxes and how to manipulate the system to reward his cronies.
Why not a guy who stands up, does his best instead of shit-talk, who puts out ideas instead of crying about how he’s treated, who defends the rights of women.
How will you do on the citizenship test? Results may vary.



About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.