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Carrick flynn

Carrick Flynn is getting the youth vote out.

Out in the wilds of Bull Mountain you wouldn’t expect to meet the next generation stumping for their favorite congressional candidate, but there we were.

Carrick Flynn is their man.

After our talk next to the llamas and chickens and Frosty the horse, Carrick Flynn collected more votes.

Carrick began to look at the potential of new technologies to help others. He focused on artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and preventing pandemics. Believing we need greater understanding, he went to Oxford University and co-founded the Center for the Governance of AI. Wanting to apply this knowledge to U.S. national security, he took up a Research Faculty position at Georgetown University. He advised and shaped the government’s approach to new technologies, shifting the allocation of billions of dollars’ worth of equipment and improving the security of the U.S. He worked closely with Congress, including consulting on legislation which should create thousands of new jobs in our district by reshoring the manufacturing of computer chips. 

Good job from the workers in the field standing beside me.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.