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hpv16 cancer stigma

Recent posts on my trials with cancer reached forty out of fifty states in America. That’s the reach map for boomerpdx from google analytics.


The shaded states have the most readers. The white states forgot to check in. Does it make the shaded states better. Yes, it does, but only until they shade in.


I can see the differences in each state, read about it, watch it on the news. People are different. There’s no doubt. My idea is presenting content on important topics to help narrow the gap between sections in America.


Cancer is my topic. It will be for a while since I’m apparently on the leading edge of an anticipated avalanche of the sort of cancer I got treated for. Now it turns out there’s a stigma? A graduated stigma list for different cancers?


Like cancer alone isn’t enough.


Who wins in this battle between general cancer stigma and HPV16 cancer stigma? Cancer is a big loser, that’s why the big stigma. HPV16 throat cancer carries an additional stigma. Hearing cancer news is frightening as hell and the treatments borderline cruel.


I believe medicine does the best it can. Everything is different in every case. In some cases non-medical, non- afflicted, people promote different ideas of cancer treatment.


The only consistent is cancer, and cancer stigma of some kind. I can tell you right now there’s only one kind of cancer: Bad cancer. So why the funky attitudes if we all agree?


From the Cleveland Clinic:


It can take up to 30 years for HPV-related throat cancer to appear, making it most common in adults between the ages of 40 and 60. The Oral Cancer Foundation reports it’s growing fastest among men, ages 25 to 55.


Timing was a question when I learned about HPV-related throat cancer.


P16 asks the question of who and where? I’ve stated in earlier posts that I’m married thirty one years. If the Cleveland Clinic says it can take up to thirty years for HPV throat cancer to appear, I’m nearly in the wedding window.


If it’s 30, it could be a few more just so I’m in the clear here?


Dr. Prendes says researchers have developed a clinical test that searches for the P16 molecular marker in biopsy samples, a marker that indicates HPV-related cancer. Successful treatment and cure rates are high if you know what to look for and know your risk, he says.


My first doc missed the P16 molecular marker. The second opinion doc didn’t. Get a second opinion and ask about HPV-related throat cancer. My take is you want to kill cancer, but not get any closer to the death experience through chemoradiation than you have to.


If less is enough, don’t get more, or else you’ll get chemo stigma to go along with cancer stigma.


Overall, HPV-related throat cancers respond well to surgery and radiation. Between 90 and 95 percent of diagnosed cases have five-year, disease-free survivorship rates, he says.


Surviorship? That’s the ship I’m sailing on. My next meeting with my chemo doc is a survivorship appointment. I’ll say I’m looking forward to it.


Although researchers are still learning more about HPV-related throat cancer, the verdict about whether HPV is truly to blame is in, Dr. Prendes says.


“I don’t think anyone in our field or any epidemiologist would argue the link between HPV and throat cancer at this point,” he says. “It’s a strong link.”


This is the biggest net I’ve thrown so far.


cancer stigma

Twenty six countries around the world read about P16 cancer yesterday in over 200 cities. From right here. Do all of these people have a cancer stigma? Even if they don’t, they still may have a hpv throat cancer stigma. Here’s why: In parts of the world women are held in low esteem. They are treated like second class citizens and denied the same rights as men.


It’s possible those places are the white states and white countries that don’t click on this blog. If women carry a stigma for doing nothing but being alive, and cancer carries a stigma for being weak, what do you add women and cancer?


HPV16 throat cancer stigma. Do yourself a favor and get over it. A quick review: P16 throat cancer comes from oral sex with an infected partner.


Let the screaming and gagging around the world begin, but remember this, the numbers for men is highest in America. Why? Because American men are more caring and giving in our private lives than we are in public?


Because America is full of the most beautiful women in the world and who can resist them? Because American women guilt trip men into being better partners? Or because some people, like this blogger, show up with something no one wants, and no one wants to know where it comes from.


That cat’s out of the bag, brudda. Save the stigma for something more worthy.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


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