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Cage fighters ask one question:

Can you take a punch?

Billionaire cage fighters get one question:


When we watch a cage fight it’s usually two guys we don’t know.

Or, if you’re a gambling degenerate you know more about them than you do your own kids.

But what do we know about rich guys itching for a little contact?

They want to slap each other around. That’s what we’re supposed to think.

What do they really want?

They want to mess each other up.

Which brings up the question of who do want to see get hammered fisted into a knock-out?

Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg

The Winner Gets Jeff Bezos


Who wants to see Elon get his smirky face wiped off?

Who wants to see Zuckerberg get hammered?

Jeff Bezos, that’s who.

The first two should be wary of this guy.

He works out.

He’s got muscle, wealth, and a hot girlfriend.

It’s a lethal combination of pride.

The betting world would take Bezos over the other two.

He looks like he’d enjoy stretching an arm for a tap out, wring a neck, or just delivery a blistering beat-down.

Besides, the first two look like quitters.

Who really thinks they have what it takes to stand up to each other after a few good shots to the head?

Elon needs work to make his pale body do the work.

He needs a trainer, someone to show him how to enter the cage and how to disrespect his opponent.

If anyone plays the disrespect card it would be Musk.

What card would Zuckerberg play?

He would get drilled and then change the rules.

“Free, and it always will be” turns to “free unless you want to contribute.”

He’ll be changing lots of rules after his head gets bounced around by Elon.

One Of Them Gets Bezos

This guy looks jacked enough to get into the cage and stay there.

He can’t lose. He’s in shape like Rocky and has his Adrian to cheer him on.

In the world of ‘Winners Do What Losers Don’t Do’ Bezos would adjust, adapt, and overcome whichever opponent he had to face.

He would out-smirk Musk, out muscle Zuckerberg, and still win the girl.

Actually he’s already got the girl. He’d win us over by beating the crap out of two soft men?

Ask yourself who you’d like to slap around and get away with it.

The three here are young enough to avoid the elder abuse charge you’d get with a Cock Brother or Buffet.

If you could take them down you could toy with them, let them escape, then take them down over and over for the humiliation award.

Why not do the upper leg kick until they move their leg with a fake then give them a jab in face?

By then you’ll get your dance on like Muhammad Ali and back pedal until they came into range again.

After a good ass-kicking you’ll need a post-fight routine. No humping like Izzy does.

Take a cue from the heavyweight ring instead.

What song will Jeff Bezos sing?

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.