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Best Business Practice? Who doesn’t do that?

From showing up on time, to clear messaging, being your best in business means making a long list.

At the top of the list at #1: Be Accountable.

This is a big deal.

What makes it an even bigger deal is getting caught up in the bosses problems.

I went to court when an irrigation company owner sued me and won.

Was it fair? The guy had over twenty complaints filed against him with the state licensing board.

And he didn’t lose his license?

My investigative phone call to the board showed a pattern.

When the man got called to fix a sprinkler problem he’d review the system, make his recommendations to the home owner, and draw a permit for the work.

Even if the customer declined the recommendations, the man sued in court and won because a verbal agreement in the irrigation business is golden.

That was his better business practice; intimidating old ladies with his specious charm. He turned me into an old lady.

He won cases even without an agreement, as I would soon learn in Washington County Court, Hillsboro, Oregon.

All I had going for me was The Truth vs A Sneaking Lying Contractor Who Took Advantage Of Old Ladies.

I got the old lady treatment in court that day and lost. I had a sound argument and still paid the court fine.

The man knew the system and how to work it.

If You Go To Court Use Better Business Practice

business practice

You go in confident you are right and that’s enough to pull the law to your side.

Technically, the truth ought to work, but it’s a court of law.

In this rarified environment anything can happen.

For personal protection make a chronological list of events that led to a court appearance.

If you don’t remember everything, and it’s a case that’s been a few years in making, tell the judge and jury you don’t recall the minutiae.

In the event you get pressed, or accused of withholding testimony, go to your list of events.

“Your Honor, I don’t recall the specifics of the time due to the increasing irrational behavior I witnessed. I began seeing invoices and requests that had little to do with any work.

“This is a man with a poor record of business dealings. And it was getting worse. In fact, I could see where his actions might lead to this day in court. That was the day I quit the job, and yet here I am.

“Your Honor, this is a man who claims expertise without any evidence. He makes claims to secure work that he has no experience in.

“I am in court today as a witness. I’ve seen the bids for jobs that have been accepted, where payments have been made, and the work done below professional standards and code. Or abandoned. That is why I am here.

“In my experience I’ve seen similar behavior from fly-by-night companies that show up, defraud customers, and disappear only to surface under a new name.

“Companies that operate under such conditions put their employees at risk. In fact, they do so in order for employees to take the blame for their unlawful behavior, which are not a better business practice.

“I cannot accept blame for the actions of others.”

Running A Country Like A Business

My apologies for including an ass-wipe tweet I Retweeted, but the function is pretty clear:

Put gas in your car to drive, vote to retain democracy, and try not to stink more than usual.

If applying toilet paper to one end of your body feels like putting a mask on the other end, you might be on to something.

But what?

How many people protest against masks? Now do a count for toilet paper protest.

The only toilet paper protest I saw was when the pandemic produced a shortage and everyone freaked out and bought a year’s worth.

One argument never heard: Wiping your butt and putting the toilet paper in your mouth is the same as going maskless during a pandemic.

No one wants your shit spewing all over them in either case.

A personal better business practice is giving yourself the same consideration you’d give others.

Voting for candidates who understand the concept of business practice beyond selfish entitlement is the right toilet paper for democracy.

The clean up part of failure is eye-opening, like the popping out of their head look Jan. 6 insurrectionists give upon learning their man did not walk with them to the Capitol, did not give them a lawful order, and will not pardon them once convicted.

What will the people at the top look like in court?

Bad Men Answering For “Following Orders:” How It Started

To be clear, the men in the image are not good men in any world.

They are in court answering for German war crimes.

The work still isn’t done.

Justice is like the sheep dogs that don’t quit until the last sheep in in the pen.

Sheep? Yes, I said sheep. I like sheep. I also like sheep dogs.

What I’m not enthusiastic about are the wolves pretending to be sheep dogs herding people into places for protection against . . . wolves?

The wolves herd them while pointing to other sheep and loudly exclaiming, “LOOK AT THOSE STUPID SHEEP.”

Better business practice in life says when you point one finger, three others point back at you.

I’m more hopeful for the insurrection leaders than the group in the picture above.

Best Business Practice For “Following Orders:” How It Ended

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.