Bridge city is that place, that town, any bump in the road that needs a bridge.
Walking on or driving over any bridge is an act of faith.
But we do it without a blink. After all, that’s how we cross a river, a bay. That’s how we get to the other side.
With luck we get over and back. Pick a city and a bridge.
Here’s a few:
Paris, the City Of Light, has a gold plated bridge that suggests more gold plated bridges.
Take a river tour and find out. That’s it. And it’s enough.
Enough for wedding parties, loungers, and all hearts beating together.
Maybe you want a different bridge city in the Old World.
Or an old New World east coast bridge city like the Brooklyn Bridge?
A midwestern bridge like the Roebling Bridge in Cincinnati?
The west shows a different kind of bridge with the Golden Gate.
Pick A ‘Home Bridge City’
The ideal Home Bridge leads to freedom as well as being a welcome home.
A Home Bridge spans history, as well as Coos Bay. It should have a special name like the North bend Bridge, even if it’s listed differently.
Why not find one, walk it, and make it your own?
Like a secret.
Your Own Special Bridge
Life on the move crosses enough bridges built for getting from here to there. They do the job, but crossing them isn’t a milestone.
Most of the time the big focus is dodging the bridge rookies who cross four lanes in a panic to reach the exit you’re on.
No one walks these bridges.
The erratic drivers have more than a little in common with covid anti-vaxx and anti-mask people who land in the hospital with a hose down their neck.
Reckless drivers have more in common with Jan. 6 insurrection opinions that it was a regular tour.
When bad drivers crash into good drivers, they both share the common mess and block traffic.
When it’s family and friends crashing into each other, it’s worse when they start slinging blame.
Big problems start when it all festers into a fevered hallucination of conspiracy theories and victimhood and the burning desire to find that one person who will make everything all right because they were ignored as children and married people who ignore them and have kids who ignore them.
That’s when the good faith it takes to walk on a bridge, or drive over, starts smoking.