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Map Don’t Lie.

Screen shot 2015-02-11 at 1.33.07 PMWho remembers pen pals from their youth?

The typical baby boomer answer might be, “If you remember your youth you’re not a boomer.”

That’s not the youth we’re talking about.

Pen pals came from many places. Kids’ magazines ran ads for pen pals in England, or Germany, or Virginia.

Running a blog and writing post after post on intriguing boomer issues creates the same feeling.

Your friendly Portland baby boomer is a pen pal to the world.

Maybe you are too? If not feel free to jump on this bandwagon.

There’s only one condition.

In the words of the great Jim Rome, “Have a take and don’t suck.”

That’s the comment rule. Leave a comment and you never know who’ll be reading. Just know it’ll be more than your momma looking at it when you post here.

Also keep in mind that I’ll edit your comments if you misspell. If nothing else BoomerPdx only wants original typos.

With all this in mind, look at the list of nations connected to BoomerPdx.

Does one jump out as a place you’d like to contact?

Who wouldn’t like to ask Malaysia to stop losing jets. If one of the 42 BoomerPdx fans there runs the air rescue, your plea might be the one they need to stay engaged.

You have a message for 42 readers in Chile? What would it be? How about congratulating them on finding the airplane wreckage from a crash fifty four years ago that killed a bunch of their top soccer players.

Maybe you’d like to ask Belgium about their beer. They’ve been brewing the stuff since the first crusades. That beer came from abbeys and later Trappist monasteries.

Religion and beer and crusades? Quite a mix. Maybe Portland could take notes.

With nearly 30,000 visits, BoomerPdx covers North America, Central America, and South America. Got the Americas in tow.

We cover most of Europe and Asia with more African nations every day.

Most interesting of all is India. The busy subcontinent just passed China as the fastest growing world economy.

With their new status we expect more readers than the 154 logged in. Could be expecting too much, given China and their huge population delivers only four readers. Four.

1.35 billion Chinese and only four made it here? Any ideas how to break through, or are four enough?

The list of nations on BoomerPdx runs to one hundred and thirty. We could have our own Olympics.

Before sending out invites, better to ask them to treat each other better.

To my Iraqi readers: Be a better neighbor. Do something kind for the person next door.

To my Afghanistan readers: Take your country back. You’re better than those who enjoy ruining your nation according to their particular whims.

To my American readers: Show the world what it means to be an American. In spite of all the moaning and complaining about how things are, share your dream of how things could be. Find a forum for peace and work it.

BoomerPdx is such a forum. Written by a one time all-American, soldier boy, husband, father, and stand up guy dogs love, this blog has the sort of reach that goes beyond normal borders.

And we do it with the best intentions.

Come on in and read posts, leave comments, and join this thing. Show the other 129 nations what it means to be Americans.

PS to Canada and the United Kingdom: you guys read English. Time to bump your numbers, eh?



About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.