Blog traffic is easy, so expect instant results.
Start a blog, write a post, and stand back.
The clouds part, the rain stops.
You stand in the warming sunshine, not the blazing warm that melts asphalt in parking lot, but the cuddly warm of wearing strap t-shirts and cargo shorts.
Let’s warm it up.
Start a blog after you tire of posting on forums.
People like your witty comments and insightfulness.
You can tell by the way they respond and contribute to the topics you present.
But that’s not good enough. You want more. More engagement, more readers, more insight.
Start. That. Blog.
Do it, and everyone you know will follow your blog.
Anyone you had an exchange with on any social media?
They’ll sign up for membership on your blog.
All your Facebook Friends? Same.
Everyone on twitter will follow. So many that you may have to upgrade your hosting.
Start with a free WordPress blog like, “”
The blog traffic will follow.
But you want more, so go self-hosted WordPress on Bluehost.
Will The Blog Traffic Follow
My Dear Friends, Readers, and Countrymen,
Your blog traffic depends on the quality of your writing.
Quality writing. Remember that.
Yes, you’ll have questions as you settle into the blog life.
Such as: Am I blogging too much? Blogging too little?
Sub out blogging for writing if you’re a writer.
(If you blog, you write, hence writer.)
Then the question becomes: Am I writing too much? Writing too little?
While this might be counterintuitive, check blog traffic for answers.
Do you attract more blog traffic with more infrequent blogposts, or more traffic with a steady stream of posts?
Or, develop a routine and stick to it.
Reader Respect
If your blog topics depend on reader response, then you’re doing it right.
Give ’em what they want.
Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them.
Three part structure right there, like a play. Beginning, middle, and end.
Now you’re a playwright blog?
Easy there, Shakespeare.
Readers want a compelling voice in a relatable story.
Everyone wants a compelling voice in a relatable story, but we’re not talking about everyone.
That’s a notion that leads too many bloggers astray.
Since you have a platform available to readers, a compelling voice, and a relatable story, you will have a successful blog in every measurable manner.
For everyone?
Every Measurable Manner
Blog traffic won’t come from family and friends.
It won’t come from Facebook, twitterX, or instagram.
Social media is part of it, but the bigger part is google search where readers arrive from India, Vietnam, Mexico, and Canada.
Like yesterday on boomerpdx.
This is where an earnest blogger searching for better answers, like yours truly, turn into bitch bloggers on social media complaining about being invisible, about being better than their blog traffic, ignored, and used.
Don’t be a blogger bitch complaining about Facebook.
“I have 714 of my closest friends and they never sign up for my blog membership.”
Don’t bitch about twitter. It’s already got a big bitch.
“My engagement is pathetic, they don’t know what they’re missing.”
Try this instead: be fucking creative with your feelings, huh?
Sure, everything’s been said before, but you didn’t say it.
Stop laughing, start writing.
Be that kind of blogger, bitch.