Does blog traffic show up unexpected? What makes readers stay and look around once they do find you on accident?
First, it’s not an accident. At least blog traffic shouldn’t be accidental. That’s why we buy and install Genesis framework on a wordpress platform with a News theme from Studio Press.
Platform, framework, and theme, oh my!
Blog traffic is why we use Yoast SEO, write in three hundred word bites, break posts down into categories and tags and paste links on facebook, twitter, and google+ even when no results are apparent.
Bloggers try to write for readers. ‘Who else’ you wonder?
Some of the jackassed syntax floating across the web comes from writers gaming the systems used to decide whether or not a blog post is worthy of search rank. Eventually their writing style morphs into google search bot love letters.
But it’s not real love, not when it’s keyword driven with a focus keyword jammed into a meta description or super-sized in an H2 heading. Not when each complete blog post is manipulated to include internal links, outbound links, and every image has alt attributes.
Being a blogger includes the basics of every writer, then a tech side to reach an audience, the group out there just hanging on their laptop, tablet, phone, or other device for The. Next. Post.
At least that’s the audience I see, until I remember the blogger I can’t wait to read. Thinking, thinking, and nothing. I read blogs based on need, like if I need a link to illustrate a point better than an internal link to boomerpdx.
Somehow, with all of this blogger, writer, content production, how the hell do I get a robot from Boston hitting boomerpdx every damn day?
I get 100 hits from Boston that show up on google analytics. It reads as 100 new users in for 100 sessions timed at 00:00:01. If anyone knows how to block a Boston bot, leave a comment.
Nashville is starting to look like Boston with thirty new users in thirty sessions at 00:00:01. Maybe Boston is so smart they get in and out fast. But Nashville? Must be those Vanderbilt University people.
Whoever you are, please keep in mind that BoomerPdx is a memoir blog that started as a baby boomer consumer blog that turned into a Portland blog, and now this. I will have a memoir on the market this year making this the perfect marketing tool.
And that’s how I became a self-described Memoir Blogger. Please do keep reading and diving into the archives. An audience is a precious thing to cherish and respect. What you find here, unless you’re a Boston bot, is an attempt to live up to the standards set before me.
And raise the bar.