You hear ‘be mindful’ and what do you think?
I hear it and think, ‘watch your step around this one.’
Is there more?
Go ahead and check as many boxes, mental or otherwise, to make it through a mindful day.
Be nice is mindful.
Treat others how you’d like to be treated is mindful.
Does anyone else hear the Golden Rule?
Call me a cynic, but when I hear a reminder to be mindful I want to know more about that person, like who are they to remind ME, instead of taking things in stride.
All in all, I like the idea to be mindful, to be present, aware, and considerate of others.
And that doesn’t make me a pushover for anything less than mindful, although there was that one time.
I was encouraged to listen to someone once, so I listened, listened hard, and listened some more.
I listened to everything they had to say.
Two days later I was listening to the nurses in the local ICU.
But that was not normal. My normal is more sassy, but I made a deal to behave better
Mindful Children
Is there anything better than being around kids who have found their footing?
I’ve got plans for my two young men to recreate this photo with their Mom.
First they need to be strong. They’re strong. They need to be willing. They are willing, I think.
Do they need to be mindful of their Dad? They already are in our father/son bond.
After all I did was my best impression of a dad. Not a movie dad, TV dad, but my Dad.
If my grandkids turn out the way I hope they will, thank Great Grandpa, not me.
Does that mean they will be mindful? Probably, but more in their own way, not the dictionary way.
More like my way? No, their way.
I’m married thirty-eight years to the same woman.
My Grandma on my Mom’s side got fifty years in her second marriage.
My Mom got twenty-five years with her two husbands.
Will I get fifty? I think so.
The Golden Rule of the Golden Anniversary.
Let’s go.
Will I be mindful enough to make it another year?
Things are looking that way. So far.