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human operating system

3 ways to tell a bad app from good on your own human operating system

Consider the human operating system basics, what you demand everyday:

If you’re hungry, find food. Too cold? Grab a coat. For a safe night, find a safe shelter.

Those are the basics, right? Food. Clothing. Shelter.

But not with a bad app changing choices after an upgrade gone wrong.

Then you don’t see the whole menu, best styles, nicest rooms.

You will accept nothing less, except you do.

Bad Love App for human operating system

You hate your family, your mom’s fourth husband, the new step-dad with two families.

Brenda Sue feels the same way.

“Let’s get married and save ourselves from all these losers,” you say.

So you do, and eventually learn to hate each other.

You’re on your way to being a fourth husband, a third wife, a second chance after a bad marriage mistake that lasted thirteen years.

You barely know yourself and no one notices. It’s not normal, but starts to feel like it.


EVERYONE is familiar with this scenario: An app you once loved no longer brings the same joy. It’s gotten buggy over time, or an update transformed it to the point it became unusable.

Good Love App

Wait for someone you can listen to, who you can look at while you listen, even when you don’t like what they’re saying.

Find the person who tells you things you don’t want to hear, but with the best intentions.

Check the Love App if it sounds sincere, useful, kind, and still kicks your ass into gear to step the hell up.


Bad Job App for human operating system

You climbed two rungs on the career ladder and the air’s just fine where you are.

Punch the clock, take a break, eat lunch, take a break, clock out.

Maybe one rung. Fill in a time sheet for two rungs.

It covers the bases so don’t ask, “Do you like you job?”

They call it ‘work’ for a reason. It’s not called ‘play’ for the same reason.

Chances are you thought about calling it quits. But after years of sharing your personal data with this app, you probably gave up and stayed in this stale relationship. You put up with the productivity-killing bugs and odd design changes because moving to a new, potentially better app felt harder than sticking with the bad one.

Good Job App

Like they say in the David Mamet movie of Glengarry Glen Ross, “ABC, always be closing.” And you like coffee.

Keep a sharp eye out for your next fit and what you need to get there, what to add to your skill-set.

Read the industry news. Show your friends what stepping the hell up looks like in action.

Just don’t talk about yourself too much to people you care about and care about you, they’re already in the club.


Bad Housing App for human operating system

You rent so you can,

1. Call the landlord about stuff you broke just living life?

2. Have time for people and friends and bars and food?

3. Never do yard work the rest of your life?

All good reasons from a bad app.

People deserve better than this. Every day you stay with a bad app is time you could be spending with a superior product that will make life better.

Good Housing App

Spend the sort of time on house research as you’d do learning a new job.

The right house is a job and it starts from the beginning.

Look for the features you’d want in every house, then find them in your town or neighborhood.

You’ll come up short, but get better the more you work at it.

Study the video, find the tools, do the work.


IN WRITING this post I give thanks to JR, the New York Times ‘personal tech’ section, and google for the search on human operating system.


It’s more than a metaphor to describe human evolution and socialization over a huge timeline.

Human operating system is a website:

“We create Succulent Realities and deliver them to Evolutionaries through behavioral software; empowering them to design their lives from the inside out and better those lives by leveraging science, technology, and best self use.”

Human operating system is a book on Amazon:

“Make full use of this “owner’s manual” to help you live up to your contract and make the new behaviors a way of life. Read it as a book, use it as a reference guide. You’ll find it easy reading and a great review to keep you connected with your workshop experience and provide you with inspiration and fresh ideas.”

And a human operating system creator with connections:

“Metaphors define reality. People have used computers as an analogy for the brain since the ’60s. I began using the Human Operating System because it was the only metaphor robust enough to approximate the power of human consciousness. It also updated the stale guru model of personal development with the promise of a collaborative peer-to-peer system that could lead to optimization and collaboration on a species-wide scale.”

Take your pick.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.