When Big Brother Is A Good Thing.
In a large sense baby boomers have become the big brother of the world.
Boomers young (50) and old (68) have caught plenty of heat over the years, but their influence is everywhere.
Save the earth?
Women’s rights?
Gay rights?
In such a huge demographic, baby boomers learned about people with different attitudes.
Instead of withdrawing into shells of protection, boomers created a big old umbrella, big enough to keep everyone dry.
Older boomer brothers were good role models as long as you skip the harsh parts.
Get a little bit older and the small stuff gets even smaller.
Do I hope my kids follow each others’ lead?
I do. Why?
A recent study suggests older siblings may have a greater influence on younger siblings than thought.
Probably written by an older sibling, but still can’t disagree.
The proof is in plain view and close-up.
My older brother was a first baseman in baseball and a lineman in football.
I was a first baseman and lineman.
He went to college after the high school counselor suggested he find a mill job right after graduation.
He stayed in school, played football all four years, and left with a master’s degree.
I graduated from college after an Army hitch. It was like a master’s.
His footsteps guided my path and still do.
It got better with my younger brother.
I started wrestling, the first in the family to hit the mats.
Little brother took up the sport then coached wrestling until he was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. And then some.
My younger sister has two sons who started wrestling this year. Their big sister is nationally ranked high school rower.
Is her’s a bigger influence than her Mom and Dad? More than my Mom and Dad?
My Dad was the first in his family to graduate from college. This was after five years in the Marine Corps, a tour of duty in Korea, and marrying Momma. The degrees of difficulty at each stage is up for discussion.
His dad told him the only reason anyone goes to school past eighth grade is because they’re afraid of work.
My Mom was super smart, graduating from high school at sixteen, in college the next year, then dropping out to get married.
I can’t blame Mom for my five tries at dropping out of college. I was just a bad dropout.
I can’t blame my Dad for joining the Army. He was disappointed I didn’t go with the Marines, but glad I avoided the Navy.
My older brother has two great kids. I urged my kids to keep up with them in sports and school.
My younger brother has three great kids, my sister has four.
Both my kids finished college, which I credit to my old man. He has a good story so I pounded it in every chance.
Sports and education play a huge role growing up, one usually bigger than the other. Balance holds them together.
Keeping family stories alive is good for the future, but right now the older kids in the family lay the track.
Attention young parents: if you have a message, send it through the right channels.