Now that Plato has weighed in. image via Tenth Amendment Center Blog
Facebook shows baby boomer indifference, or is it everyone?
The question came from a news source: Do you unfriend on facebook if facebook friends take the side opposite yours on an issue?
That’s one way of dealing with feelings. Hide and no seek.
Unfriending, going dark, banning political posts, all have a see no evil side.
Most of all it shows indifference, a struggle to engage in a useful dialogue, and limited interest.
Is this a problem?
When it comes to voting for a President, it helps to listen even if it hurts your ears.
Fox News and CNN and MSNBC all grind axes. The sparks look like fireworks, all flash and light, then the wait for the next rocket to launch.
But drill down on them all to find peace.
Fox News lost their boss when Fox anchors called him out for his style of promotion.
Tell me you didn’t wonder why Public Broadcasting women looked like fairly normal TV people and Fox women look like they just stepped out of the make-over booth.
Is it up to Fox to deliver foxy ladies to their aging viewers? As an aging viewer I’m impressed by the effort.
The news angle of the left and right doesn’t change with appearance, but it doesn’t hurt either.
If a Fox fan feels uncomfortable waiting for the makeup to slide on the women, they always had Shepard Smith.
None of the news companies have said this to describe the 2016 Presidential election: Hillary Clinton is the better choice because she’s been scrutinized for decades. Or maybe they have?
Why do you suppose Frank Abagnale, whose life story hit the silver screen in Catch Me If You Can, works for the FBI, has his own financial fraud consulting company Abagnale & Associates, and most important isn’t rotting away in prison?
Because he knows the tricks of the trade better than the rest of the tricky people.
Mr. Abagnale has been associated with the FBI for over four decades. He lectures extensively at the FBI Academy and for the field offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He is a faculty member at the National Advocacy Center (NAC) which is operated by the Department of Justice, Executive Office for United States Attorneys. More than 14,000 financial institutions, corporations and law enforcement agencies use his fraud prevention programs. In 1998, he was selected as a distinguished member of “Pinnacle 400” by CNN Financial News. Today Mr. Abagnale is a member of the Board of Editors for Bank Fraud and IT Security, as well as the Financial Fraud Law Report.
If either Trump or Clinton need a fresh raking over the coals you’d trust this guy. He might be the key to baby boomer facebook indifference.
One boomer complains they are tired of the campaigns bending their ear.
Another just wants it all to end sooner than later.
Boomerpdx holds that this is the year to take America’s temperature. We’re running a fever.
Clinton’s been grilled by the best minds in government, like South Carolina’s Trey Gowdy.
He might have made a better case going after Trump, but so far Donald hasn’t shown his tax hand, his Russian hand, or his lady’s man hand. We’ve had glimpses.
Like Frank Abagnale flipping to the side of law and order, Hillary Clinton is an open book.
She’s gotten away with everything she’s accused of after the best of the best tried their best to make her give up her secrets.
Either she doesn’t have secrets, she’s really good at keeping secrets, or both.
That’s not a bad thing if it moves baby boomer facebook indifference.