Public Transportation In Portland, The TriMet Bus Stop, And People.
A man walks up to a trimet bus stop. A couple are arguing. The man ignores them.
The lady seems agitated. The other man pushes in on her.
Here’s what you do:
Check your position. You want to be able to step away without the other guy in the way.
At the same time you want to give the woman a chance to step away, too.
So take one side of the bus stop and start counseling the couple. If the man approaches you it’s a good thing. That means the woman has a chance to move and you can step away, run away, whatever you feel like doing.
Tell him, “She doesn’t look so happy there, pal. Why not give her a break. Can you hear me? Let’s give the woman some room.
“Take a side, man. I’m waiting for a bus and I don’t need this bullshit. Back off the lady. Back off. Do you need help? Okay, that’s enough. Move out of the bus stop. Move now. That way. See where I’m pointing? That way. One more time, I’m tired of hearing you talk. Take off.
“Oh, she’s your wife? Your girlfriend? Where’s your momma, brother. I’m calling her to say her little boy is a problem in public. Move your shitty attitude back on home where you’ll be safe because it’s looking like this will end badly for you. Do you want to lay on the ground? On the cement?
“Look at my hand, boy. This is my snap down hand and it’ll snap you down faster than you can say “I’m a punk ass bitch.” Go ahead and say it.”
The bus arrives and the woman gets on. The two men stay.
“What’s the matter with you? She was a stranger? Now she’s going off with a story about men harassing her. Not all men though, just you. That’s a black mark on all of us. If she’s got someone, she might bring them back to beat your ass. Is that normal for you?”
The other man took out a pack of cigarettes and lit one.
“What’s the big deal,” he said. “I like picking up chicks at bus stops.”
“That’s what was going on? And it works? You ought to try another place.”
“I will if you give me some bus fare. I’m broke.”
And this is the paradox of public transportation. You start out with good intentions, and then…?