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american made

American Made is a label that gets tossed around more than it should.

It means quality, trust, a better future that the rest of world looks to for guidance.

That was then. What does it mean now? Is it still the land of the free, home of the brave?

Americans can vote for the land of the free and home of the brave. Why? Because as Americans, we are free for the most part, and brave enough as long as we don’t get personally challenged.

We like leaders who take the pressure off the rest of us, men and women who understand the sort of pressure America works under.

From thousands of years of custom and tradition, native Americans ran the country tribe by tribe, language by language. Their borders were more linguistic than a line drawn on a map.

Not so long ago in the span of history, America became a destination for economic and religious relief for people and groups pushed to their limits in the own native lands.

And they brought their own traditions and customs to the New World, which from the looks of things, have reverted back to the Olde World.

Instead of an open door and a welcome mat for new Americans, there’s more the sound of, “Mine, mine, that’s mine too. And that over there? Mine. I drew a line in the dirt and bad things will happen if you step over it.”

In the words of one blogger, this one, if you’re inclined to claim all that is yours, and everything else up for grabs, try and be a better American Made a-hole.

You don’t become a better American by pushing people around, kneeling on necks, or tipping old confused men over and leaving them bleeding on the ground.

Add shooting a lady in a wheelchair with a broken foot in the other foot, like the treatment Ellen Urbani got at a Portland protest against police brutality.

Becoming better at American Made starts with small gestures

Instead of leaning on others to show the way, like President Trump wants to happen because only he can do what no one else can do, make a personal effort. No one will know but you, and no one will care as much as you.

If you’re married, start by being nice to your partner. Look, not every second in marriage is bliss, not every exchange is coated in milk and honey.

One of you might complain about something mundane as hell, but the other listens and acts. Then the other complains about how it was done, what was used to do it, and why can’t you finish anything.

Sound familiar? Usually this is a set up for one complaint followed by defensive behavior and no one is wrong. But no one is right, either.

Instead of complaining, be cooperative. Instead of defensive, communicate better. Mr. Trump can’t do that, but you can.

If you’re married and have children, especially if you have adult children, try and not model a-holishness. If you have strong sons who would fit right in with extremist groups, but don’t. congratulations. You’ve raised them right.

If you have strong daughters with a clear vision of right and wrong, you’ve done good parenting work. On the other hand, if parents are Fox News devouring Trump loving republicans in lockstep with their spiritual AND presidential guide, and the kids turned out good, then they’ve done the work on their own.

Vote American Made

More than once, America made the world a better place. The Nobel Prize Hall of Fame is full of proof.

Vote for better science, better history, better leadership.

Vote in a way you understand, that makes sense to you.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.