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aging men

Roger Ailes, via

Talk about aging men. Aging men need to listen.

Women of a certain age say they’re invisible, that they’ve lost the power of attraction.

With Sophia Loren is in the crowd there’s doubt about that.

Aging men are different.

They’ve lost the same power to attract the attention from the people they used to attract, but they have an edge.

At least that’s what they think.

If you hire a former Miss America for a job, that doesn’t make you sexy. You might feel sexy for the sexy hire, you you’re no sexier than the minute before the hire.

Men have an advantage of power and status that looks sexy from a distance. Not so much up close. Get up close to Roger Ailes, head of Fox News, and report back to boomerpdx.

What makes normal old guys feel the power? Healthy living, which means a good diet, rest, and exercise, keeps the fellas feeling in peak shape.

But it’s sixty year old peak shape, seventy year old peak shape.

Chances are good you’re not dating that thirty or forty year old woman on a career track. You might help the career side, but she’s got a good handle on her personal life.

If you’ve been down a while and found Viagra to enhance your healthy living and ripped man-bod, you’re still not pulling dates from the top shelf.

Instead, you’ve become a cliche, like all dressed up and no where to go. You’ve got all the equipment, just not the mood. Aging men need to set the mood with someone interested in a similar mood.

Or else that voice in your head that confirms your sexy self drifts into jokes like, “Why do they give men in nursing homes Viagra? It creates a kick stand so they won’t roll out of bed.”

“What do you call a thief who breaks into a pharmacy and steals Viagra. A hardened criminal.”

Aging men on the rise.

aging men

Mick Jagger, via

Mick Jagger rode a big one on stage during a tour decades ago. He’s an aging man and he’s changed. Sort of. It’s all rock and roll he loves, but a few ladies come forward to report on recent escapades.

What would women say about you?

Why not ask them? Bring a grain of salt along for the talk.

Instead of aging men working it out with big trucks, guns, and trophy wives, take an inventory.

Have you passed any wisdom to younger generations? Are you setting an example to follow or ignore?

Be a real aging man, like a Greek God, and light a light for young men to follow through their dark nights.

They bump around the same issues you did, but they could have a difference maker in their corner.

Are you a difference maker in someone’s life besides your own?

Get started, baby boomers. Do it now.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. Ed Beckley says

    When men like Roger Ailes are pursing women, they need to stay within walking distance of a ATM Machine. Hopefully, this guy is toast!

    • David Gillaspie says

      Hi Ed,

      I’ve always wondered why lumpy old guys seem to forget that they’re lumpy old guys when they get around the ladies. What I’ve discovered, with no personal evidence, is they’ve discovered the fountain of youth, or Viagra, and they’re transported back to their Lady’s Man days.

      Between you and I, shouldn’t an aging Lady’s Man turn the corner and just hire out? There seems an abundance of male and female escort services dot the land. A reporter interviewed a male escort in Cleveland who said business is booming with eight dates since the RNC kicked off.

      I just asked my 90 year old mother in law what middle aged married men do when they hire a male escort. She told me about a cruise she took full of older women and their young male escorts. She was sure there was no sexy time with that group. I told her the ladies probably pay them to prance around the cabin in their swimsuits.

      Every sexual harassment case is an individual story and it’s not fair to suggest that powerful men make themselves available to younger women to cover their secret life. This isn’t that kind of blog and I’m not that blogger. When aging men like Mr. Ailes chase women, they need a walker. Your mention of an ATM machine suggests a more professional relationship. Good call, Ed.

      Thanks for coming in,
