That’s thirty-nine year old married David taking the hand-off as a freshly minted Portland State University history graduate.
I conquered the drop-out label once and for all. With wife help.
My girl didn’t mind dating a college drop-out, but marry one?
I fulfilled my educational goal by finishing college before my kids. My wife’s goal with the kids was making the most out of their college hours. Why not two degrees? Why not certificates?
“It’s okay to do a little extra,” was her motto.
We have a marriage full of ‘Why not?’
Why not write a David blog?
This is the NBA championship trophy.
I’ve held things, like a big snake.
I blog the world like the ZZ Top World Tour that never left Texas.
BoomerPDX is that blog without the Texas part.
I sling posts against the monolithic void that is the raw internet, sometimes making a hit, sometimes not.
This is the Magna Carta.
I leave now and then, but take Oregon with me. You probably feel the same way?
That’s the filter I see the world through.
Keep learning new stuff about old things, and how to figure out the puzzle we live in together.
This is Ruby, a new piece in the puzzle.
And later.
Thank you for stopping and reading a few posts. Now you know more than I could ever say out loud.
Be sure and click the highlighted text for related content.
This David answers all posted comments and questions with a gentle sling, most of the time.
David G
(Boomerpdx does not own all images posted and responds to requests for removal.)