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Search for ‘Breaking News’ and what do you get?
Google News at the top of the scroll.
Makes sense. Search google for breaking news and they promote themselves.
I’d do the same thing. So would you. Let’s take a look around.

To start, Google News in the top spot of SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) admits to being seven hours old.
How breaking is that?
Seven hours ago I was watching the Willie Mays documentary.


Mays transfixed fans from coast to coast with his style, jubilant persona and contagious smile, and helped to erode racial barriers and move the sport of baseball, and the American dialog, forward.
Say Hey, Willie Mays! follows Mays’ life both on and off the field over five decades as he navigated the American sports landscape and the country’s ever-evolving cultural backdrop, all while helping to define what it means to be one of America’s first Black sports superstars.


Just me and Willie and my grand-girl sleeping on the couch all pillowed up, blankets kicked off, when mom and dad arrived.
I don’t think my kids know much about Willie Mays. Apparently I don’t either.
Seven hours ago the Say Hey Kid was breaking news.
But wait. By the time they got there I’d finished Willie and transitioned to ‘What’s My Name: Muhammad Ali.’
The breaking news was getting a tune up on sports heroes of my youth and remembering my Dad was an Ali fan.
We were all Ali fans.


Self Serving News? What Isn’t

What happens when people get too caught up in the events of the day that have nothing to do with them?
They get agitated; they want to ‘do something;’ then they feel inadequate.
To help, I’ll interpret things for you, calmly.


Top left to right:
How many votes will a man with thirty-four felony convictions, a rape charge, and a parole officer get?
How will a court loaded by the same guy decide on any care for youths? About the same as they decided on women’s reproductive health?
It’s news about the terrible wars raging in Gaza and Ukraine, wars that require huge investments.
The US provides Israel with $3.8bn (£3bn) in annual military aid under a 10-year agreement that is intended to allow its ally to maintain what it calls a “qualitative military edge” over neighbouring countries.
The U.S. has now provided about $50.6 billion in military assistance to Ukraine since Russia invaded in February 2022.
Breaking news looks like broken news.


The odd thing about people who get agitated watching news is their grip on reality.
If you want to ‘do something’ then vote for people who address the issues that concern you in a way you agree with.
In other words, tune up on the candidates like I got tuned up on people I thought I knew about.
Read your ballot like I read the abusive environment both Ali and Willie came from, then vote for people willing to change things.
They may not make the biggest promises in the loudest voice throwing bile and invective at their opponents, and as a result may not win, but why not vote for the people who don’t make self interest their main policy goals.


From Global To National To BoomerPdx

You get credit for keeping up on current events even if there is no test.
Call it baby boomer credit.
We all like to keep current, right?
We also like to be remembered, but beware of the gusher who oozes sincerity that is almost real.
At each milestone we like to be reminded by others that it is an important.
Does that mean big times on the 5’s and 0’s, or every year.
Yes, it’s a trick question. Now we try and work in a half-birthday.
I’ll do the math: .5 + .5 = 1.
When a baby is born the breaking news brings people together.
Each birthday after does the same thing in thought and in deed.
From my kids to my grandkids, I’ve been a hold your breath type at birth.
On a day like today we all tip our glasses to the one who makes it all possible every day.

If you didn’t know, now you know.
And that’s breaking news for a Monday.
About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.