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Important influencers, important people, play a numbers game.

It’s their money, their followers, their address.

Added together it all means, “Why won’t people pay more attention to me?”

Here’s why, beginning with ‘The Money:’

People have asked, “If you’re so smart, why aren’t you rich?”

Not that anyone has asked me, but I hear things. So do you.

The other question: “If you’re so rich, why are you so dumb?”

The money tree:

Light bulbs, computers, cell phones, oh my. Follow the money.

We take these things for granted today. In another time the inventors would have been executed for witchcraft, devil worshipping, or just to rob them.

Important Influencers Working Today


We get our cues from television. The right cues?

When I’m watchin’ my TV 
And a man comes on and tells me
How white my shirts can be
But, he can’t be a man ’cause he doesn’t smoke
The same cigarettes as me

We get cues from radio.

When I’m driving in my car
When a man come on the radio
He’s telling me more and more 
About some useless information
Supposed to fire my imagination

What cues are we supposed to get from an eighty year old man singing his message from stages around the world?

My main cue from Mick is he made it past the drop dead age of twenty seven.

The Rolling Stones latest from yesterday.

Disappointed Influencers? Who To Blame


Don’t blame the people in the top pic. They’re doing just fine.

And don’t feel too sorry for anyone trying to break-in to the top echelon of influencers.

They’re putting their best foot forward just for us.

Where is that foot landing?

Know Your Audience

In summary your influencer audience with age out of your influence.

As kids of a certain age, the boomer generation was obsessed over Johnny Unitas’ high top football cleats.

We wanted low cuts.

Then we were obsessed over Joe Namath’s white football shoes.

For some it was Beatle boots and Elvis sideburns.

Then everyone grew up, got a haircut, and got a real job.

Regardless of your age, think about what drives you to spend money.

Is it need, convenience, or just giving back to the system and people who made you who and what you are today?

If you feel like a big old loser, a big disappointment, don’t be too hard on yourself.

You are probably just ‘between’ influencers.

Give it some time and try not to jump on the next bandwagon trolling for people like you.


Before you dedicate the next five years of your life to important influencers, check their credentials. Look for verifiable data.

Have they invented anything that changed the the world. Did they make a bag of money?

Do they live in places you can only dream of?

Did they attend this year’s Burning Man?

With all the right answers, you’ve found your people.

Happy times for you? Work on it.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.