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wanted man

Being a wanted man is a goal if you’re wanted for your attributes, not defects.

But as we know, it all comes in the same package.

What’s it take to be a wanted man?

It’s more than wanting to be wanted, needing to be needed.

Is it complicated?

Sure it is.

Being a wanted man begins with making a commitment. But what, you ask, is a commitment?

1a : an agreement or pledge to do something in the future a commitment to improve conditions at the prison especially : an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date. b : something pledged the commitment of troops to the war.

That’s not the sort of commitment this is about. This is more about a ‘to have and to hold ’til death do us part’ sort of commitment.

You know, the whole dang thing.

Missing Parts Of A Wanted Man

When a man starts talking in labels and believes they are the first to use them, it’s a red flag.

But a red flag to whom?

If they want to be a wanted man, it’s a red flag to them.

Imagine the odd shock and surprise of hearing this out of the blue:

“It’s impossible to have a political discussion without rancor and finger pointing.”

When I heard that I disagreed, thinking they might be able to hold their own no matter which side of the discussion they took.

As a live and let live blogger, I’m not here to cause rancor and point fingers, but the complicity of silence is one thing that will never happen.

Speaking in absolutes is not the same as a commitment to better communication.

Something is missing.

What Do I Know About Wanted Men?

There’s a lot of want in a longterm marriage, just as there’s a lot of want in keeping kids in line and on time.

Do caregivers qualify as wanted men? I did five years with my ailing father in law. I’ve never felt more wanted or needed.

Except most of the want and need came from everyone else in the house.

Grandpa was ready to die and he was taking Grandma with him by the looks of things. So I brought him home to ease the burden wanted man style.

The Other Side Of A Wanted Man

Based on a degree in American history and decades of history work, I see a ‘big want’ in our fair land.

On one hand is fear and worry that a way of life is slipping away unless we storm the Capitol to ‘fight like hell or we won’t have a country.’

This is when we take the word of a serial liar across the board that he’ll be right there with us, and provide legal assistance if we have a problem breaking and entering federal property, of which he is the top protector.

Then, on the other hand, we have law makers ignoring requests to sit down and provide information on how the Capitol was stormed.

Brooks recently drawn interest after Trump withdrew his endorsement in his Republican Senate primary. In March, Brooks issued a statement that Trump pressured him to overturn the presidential election, remove President Biden from office and force a special new election.

Just kidding here, it’s the same hand, the hand that too many officials are showing us with the middle finger up.

That’s not how law and order works.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.