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red broom

When a big red broom makes all the difference:

W.C Fields said, “I once spent a year in Philadelphia. I think it was a Sunday.”

He’s got the time-bender figured out better than Einstein after 2020.

Has your world felt like a Philadelphia Sunday this year, too? If you read blogs for new ideas, here’s one: start changing the world by your example.

Instead of the ‘you don’t understand’ part, grab a broom, the RIGHT broom, a push broom, and push.

You’ll know the broom when you feel it.

The hand me down push broom with the thread stripped plastic top? Not the one.

The one with the duct taped broom handle / paint stick as thin as a fishing pole? No.

The one I inherited from my step-dad’s garage?


Red Broom On Twitter

Someone on twitter posted:

my dad died in a tragic accident so i got some money and now i live in a house w a nice stove and people are pissed about it

It struck a nerve about houses and stoves and dads dying.

Like my step-dad.

He kept our family in order when he married my mom with adult children and a young daughter, now fifty with a SEAL son. He was the best man for my mom. His ashes will go in the ocean next to hers.

Glenn had lived a tidy life as an independent trucker, an owner/operator. Going against the stereotype, he worked in pressed slacks and pressed shirts on the road.

His closet was full of pressed shirts and shined shoes and a belt collection. He was still ready to roll, a man who kept his things in a consistent order.

The big red broom is a reminder to do a little more, a little better, where no on notices.

After I read about a dad dying a tragic death, I tweeted:

My step dad passed and I got to pick a few things in the garage. I chose his red push broom. Best broom ever, and I named it after him. No one’s pissed, but they should be. It’s incredible.

The broom has powers. It sweeps wet sawdust out of pebbled cement, sweeps wet leaves off asphalt like a rake.

It’s got a 4.0 BPA (broom point average,) an over-achiever in every test. I’m pissed about making-due with bent-bristle brooms, loose brooms, for so long.

Twitter response:

No one’s pissed, but they should be. Hahaha

I’m pissed!

I fished my grandma’s seasoned cast iron skillet out of the trash pile. It’s a beauty!

Anyone looking to see the broom:

Obituary read: “Mom-groom’s broom zooms to kids room”

Ugh the broomgeoisie inheriting intergenerational brooms and then looking down on the rest of us for our shitty dollar store brooms

This is so sad—the really don’t make brooms like they used to and you get to have one that works because we don’t tax inheritance enough.

exactly. some of us can’t have a red push broom, watch ur privilege

Glenn reminds me of my roots, shares roots, that he always lived up to. ‘And stuff like that.’

He reminds me to be a simple man. That’s my goal, been my goal, still my goal.

I take my time and don’t live too fast; found a woman and found love. ‘And stuff like that.’

Follow these rules to be a better simple man.

I feel more grounded by a big red broom, if that’s possible. And it is with the right broom.

What are we sweeping out with 2020? Do a little more pushing, but remember the mask, hands, and distance.

Thanking in advance.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.