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Boomer Business or Marriage Counseling

Time To Find Your Audience

Time To Find Your Audience

If you’ve been married long enough to eat the rest of the wedding cake you saved in the freezer, chances are you’ve heard about Marriage Counseling.

If you’ve been in business for yourself there’s an equal chance you’ve talked to someone about better business tactics.

Why not cut the time in half by talking to your spouse’s business consultant.

They talk about all aspects of business, and you’re a part of it.

I took the plunge and signed up with a consultant who conducts business online and in class.

The results have been better than expected. 

My wife got a grant to improve her business. Part of it applied to the local small business administration.

She met with motivated professionals driven to succeed. That’s the group you always want to meet with.

Through a series of classes and talks she learned she needed to specialize. She needed to revamp her office space. In short, she needed a re-do in order to move to the next level.

Apparently they didn’t teach patience because there’s a slight lull between action and results.

But she was a changed person in the end, and she shared the change with me.

My blog had the usual problems. Not recognized by search engines, so no indexing. The only visitors came from targeted marketing on forums on specific subjects.

And I wrote about everything.

Lack of progress in my chosen field created the sort of stress that usually ends up breaking even the best relationships. My wife is one of the extraordinary ones, but even she has a limit, so she aimed me toward her consultant who had a class starting the next week.

Another student and I met with the teacher once a week for four weeks.

The take-away, at least my take-away, was making the jump from hosted blog to self-hosted. By following advice I moved from amateur to professional.

And I narrowed my focus. I specialized.

Since I’m a baby boomer, more specifically a middle baby boomer, I specialized in that demographic. Natural fit.

But is it relevant? October 2013 is one of my top three traffic months. I just met with my Better, Smarter, Richer alumni booster group.

This group of professional women know the score and still rack up points on Boomer NW.

Fay Putnam from Breath is the Answer filled the room with a voice that rings true.

Emily Clark from The Supple Rider took the reins to show how to reach higher goals.

Barbara Deurwaader of Deur Counsel, LLC  showed what it’s like to be in the room with the right estate planning lawyer.

Linda Ross Swanson, author of Wisdom Under The Bridge, told the group how important it is to listen to your inner voice of change.

Jane Conboy, a specialist in virtual gastric band hypnosis is a personal reminder for thoughtful eating.

During the two hour meeting our ringleader, Jackie Peterson, proved the notion that many hands make a burden light.

Her insight, connections, and enthusiasm push Better, Smarter, Richer alumni to expand their reach, to take calculated risks. She guides, mentors, and lifts the doubts we all have toward the next step.

Each of these strong women reveal their hopes and dreams around the conference table. It’s good to be vulnerable, to open up, to take a chance.

As the only man in the room, your faithful baby boomer blogger comes away amazed at the honesty and bravery these women so easily display. It’s this look behind the scenes that makes me more focused. I come away feeling like a better man, a better husband, a better partner.

That’s not what I signed up for, but it is the right message. A huge boomerpdx thank you to all.

Hit the links to find the help you need. Say you found them on Boomer NW.

Then set off some fireworks.




About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. Hi David! You might this link interesting — some good ideas about dressing up older content so that all things old shall be made new again 🙂

  2. Dave,
    Thanks for sharing these great insights!

    • David Gillaspie says

      Hi Emily,

      As important as the academic side of creating and building business is, hearing the real time efforts and concerns from the ground level contains educational gold.

      Your work with equestrians is an important service to bring forward. My baby boomer readers may not carry the effects of a lifetime on horseback, but some do feel like they’ve been bucked off their lifestyle.

      They last thing they want to hear from a medical check-up is, “You have to learn to live with the pain,” or “Let’s schedule surgery.”

      If those are the last words they hear leaving a clinic, the next thing they ought to do is call you or email.

      Contact Phone: 503-505-4155

      Thanks for coming in,


      • You’re right David.

        Riding doesn’t have to mean horseback riders only. “Computer jockeys” can relieve their back, neck and shoulder pain with a few simple strategies.

        • David Gillaspie says

          What I like about your practice, Emily, is you know it from the inside out. You are your own best example:

          “I loved the feeling of freedom I had outside, and dreamed of becoming a park ranger and homesteading in Alaska.

          I ended up majoring in art in college, moving to New York City and becoming a graphic designer. A far cry from my original dream, but exciting and fun.

          I was working endless hours on the computer under deadline pressure, and that brought stress, strain and debilitating pain in my neck, wrist and low back.

          That’s how I found the Alexander Technique and that’s how I know it works. I still use a computer every day, but without the stress and pain.”