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With Each Other?

Bruce Jenner via

Bruce Jenner via

Office affairs, romances, attractions? Happens all the time.

Single people dating each other is normal.

Dinner? Drinks? Taking a walk? Growing a network and connecting the dots couldn’t be more exciting.

Oregon prosecutors looking down the road need all the help they can get.

By getting closer they learn more about their industry, their state, and most important themselves.

Then it’s over.

Unless you’re a complete disaster when the ends comes, you go your separate ways better for the experience.

What would you call it when one of the office flingsters is a married woman with three sons? When she’s the top federal attorney in Oregon and the boss of the married man in the story?

Call it box office gold, baby, and get rolling on that Hollywood screenplay.

But first the cast.

A writing rule states that a great story trumps great writing. But what does that mean?

The greatest writing in American history is probably the Declaration of Independence, or the Gettysburg Address.

A great story would be an insider look at Thomas Jefferson’s private life while he worked on the Declaration. We got a glimpse of Abe’s life in Lincoln even though he was played by Daniel Day Lewis.

A movie with an internal conflict bubbling along with an external conflict is a movie we need.

BoomerPdx wants to help. We’ve helped before.

Portland has room for affairs of the heart. Any affair. Any heart. Apparently.

In order to reach the sort of audience Oregon Prosecutors deserves, you need stars.

Movie stars who dumb down or ugly up win Oscars. Forrest Gump? Million Dollar Baby? Cha-ching.

If Tom Hanks and Hilary Swank turn the tables and win big, why not take a chance on someone making the biggest effort in modern times to gain relevance?

Since movies take so long to make, the future star of Oregon Prosecutors has time to get ready. And he needs every minute.

Bruce Jenner plays the female lead in Oregon Prosecutors. He can upgrade his acting chops while he completes the transition from man to woman.

By the time Hollywood is ready to shoot, he’ll be ready to star.

Consider the fact that Jenner, an Olympic decathlon champ in 1976, has been living under Kardashian shade for years. With a starring role in Oregon Prosecutors he’ll be his own man again.

Baby boomer Bruce may be a little older than his part calls for, but special effects will help.

Playing the man in the illicit relationship drama? It needs to be someone familiar so they’ll seem unfamiliar in the movie.

Bruce will play the woman who was the top U.S. Attorney in the Oregon District. Neil Patrick Harris will play the male lead who calls off the relationship with his lady boss.

Bruce playing a female lead will help him understand women in a unique way. Neil playing a straight man in simmering love scenes with Bruce? They’ll get the biggest press this side of Brokeback Mountain.

Sneak in a whispered, “I just can’t quit you,” and watch the magic unfold.

Their backstory is set.

Bruce plays a likable U.S. Attorney appointed by President Obama who falls under the spell of being middle aged, professionally accomplished, with a family, and the clock ticking toward old age faster and faster.

Neil plays the target of Bruce’s age-panic who is also married to a lawyer in the same office.

Together they work late to find evidence to clear or indict a shamed governor and his girlfriend.

They discover a smoking gun and a store of feelings for each other hidden under professional responsibilities.



A WOMAN sits low behind the wheel of her car. A MAN opens the passenger door and stands there.


My wife knows about us.


Everybody knows about us and here we are. Now get in.

About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.


  1. Wow, that’s all I’ve gotta say. Did this story break in the Oregonian, and is that where I need to look to find out the identities of the parties involved? Or are you breaking it here and just being coy about their names? Regardless, someone should let Bruce and Neil know they have been penciled in for these roles since I’m sure they are very busy… er…men?

    • David Gillaspie says

      If feels like a tsunami rolling toward land. If you’re in the ocean, or Indiana, it’s barely noticeable.

      It feels like the shore water is pulling away from land in order to come flying in with huge force.

      The main people are heavy hitters. One of them has 24/7 body guards after learning there’s a drug cartel hit out on him.

      The first link in the post points to the main story. It’s incredible to know think such busy people, busy with family and jobs, have time to screw up their lives.

      The character Bruce could play is married to a local judge. The man Neil would play is married to a federal attorney in the same office.

      Tight quarters.

      My idea to post coy isn’t about being a fearful blogger. Well, maybe it is. The idea is to take a story of personal destruction out of the same pool it happened in for a better view.

      Good eye, Chick