Surefire Methods With No Tricks Or Hidden Agendas.
1. Cook up a compelling story line after your life crashes like J.K. Rowling and crank out a series of books.
You’ll know you got it right when the series turns into a series of movies that dominate the industry with a billion dollar rake.
You’ll be rejected four hundred times like J.K., but keep on rolling.
2. Find a nice quiet place like Emily Dickinson and write until someone finds you.
If you kick out 1800 poems and no one knocks on your door, don’t worry. They’ll be all over your work once you’re dead.
3. Go to law school and write a shelf-load of legal thrillers like John Grisham.
Don’t include sex in the books unless you know the mechanics.
An interviewer asked Grisham’s wife why he didn’t include much sex.
She said, “Because he doesn’t know much about it the subject.”
4. Write long Charles Dickens-like novels and do it with a pen and paper the way John Irving does.
Include wrestling if you need a sport with more drama than any other.
Try this title: The World According To You.
5. Teach school and live in a trailer with your spouse like Stephen King.
That ought to create the sort of horror readers want.
6. Start blogging about digital photography like Darren Rowse, then spin it into a blog advice site when it takes off.
Learn how to blog from
Since Darren lives and writes from Australia, be sure to do things in reverse.
7. Get an MBA from Stanford like Seth Godin and write business communication books that enhance the customer experience, build the brand, and gathers the tribe.
Shaving your head and wearing big glasses while making faces for pictures can’t hurt.
8. Write a business book for creatives like Jackie Peterson and build a classroom experience supported by continuing education.
Make your students feel smart and they’ll get there.
9. Do a TV talk show like Oprah and publish a magazine related to show topics. It’s a perfect mix, with strong tie-ins.
Make sure your picture is on the cover of each magazine issue with your mouth open, especially when the headlines discuss weight loss strategy.
If you happen to lose weight and see your readership drop because of it, clear your plate for seconds.
10. Embrace the idea that one voice matters, that your voice matters, and find a way to fine tune it through poetry, prose, screenwriting, non-fiction, and news writing.
News writing? Try this news: if you’ve thought of writing, if you’ve told someone you’ve got a book in you, get busy. These things don’t happen on their own. They need you.
That’s your cause and you can’t lose if you try. So….
I like it, I like it alot, but I suffer from an illness you see.
Boomer-I-diss! An affliction in my case whereupon my brain does not translate well into final type set. The other being, is Quit-I-tess! A condition of great intention/s with little to no fueling the spirit within!
And then, bitch-I-tess comes into play, as there lies the inner trove of that chest largely unopened.
Hi Gary,
My prediction for writers with a handle on their I-tisses bind them together. With three, you’re almost there with the beginning, middle, and end.
That’s the sort of spin that turns the writing wheel. You got to push it.