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marriage health

1. Share Marriage Health Goals

Husband: Stay married.

Wife: Staying married.

A marriage health goal of staying married may sound redundant, but not when so many marriages end early.

Married couples need to ask one question when they are out without the spouse: Is this good for my marriage?

2. Spend Time Together

Husband: I’m going out with friends.

Wife: You don’t have any friends. Where are you going?

A man who enjoys his own company is automatically suspicious to an outgoing social wife.

Before you check on marriage health, collect a group of guy pals to avoid the question of why you don’t have more friends.

3. Give Ideas For Things To Do

Husband: Let’s go to the beer festival.

Wife: It’s hot and all you’re going to do is stand in line for beer, drink beer, then stand in line again.

Husband: Don’t forget the screaming.

Wife: No one forgets the screaming. I don’t want to go.

Husband: How come we never do what I want to do?

Wife: We shot guns, listened to sports talk radio, and I don’t want to go out on the hottest day of the year with a bunch of sweaty, drunk, people.

Husband: Why not?


4. Be Agreeable

Wife: Let’s go to the farmers market.

Husband: Okay.

On the way home from farmers market:

Husband: Does if make you feel guilty that we do more things you want to do, and that you have more fun than I do?

Wife: I don’t know what you mean.

Husband: Let’s do something I want to do.

Wife: Like what?

Husband: Go to a beer festival.


Husband: We never want to do what I want to do.

Wife: Then get better ideas.

5. Use Declarative Sentences

Wife: Do I ask a lot of questions?

Husband: That’s a question.

Wife: Do I?


About David Gillaspie

I am a writer. This is my blog story day by day.